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AMR-US is fully equipped to handle your unique cleaning needs in the hospitality sector. Whether your property is a restaurant, hotel, or resort, we understand the day-to-day challenges you experience, from kitchen sanitization to entrance cleaning that makes the customer experience worthwhile.

Our hospitality cleaning services include:

● Electrostatic fogging - We'll reach and clean more surface area in your lobbies, dining rooms with our specialized, eco-friendly equipment

● Floor Care - We maintain your property's floors by mopping, buffing, polishing, and waxing them, helping your floors look better and contributing to improved air quality.

● Specialized Services - We provide tile, grout, and kitchen cleaning to maintain sanitization standards.

● Commercial kitchen cleaning solutions - Our experts handle kitchen equipment cleaning so your team can focus on what's most important to them, guest satisfaction. Our solution includes daily, weekly, or monthly care for ovens, grills, stoves, broilers, food warmers, slicers, mixers, and more.

If you'd like to learn more about how your facility can benefit from AMR-US tailored cleaning solutions cleaning, contact us today using the button below.

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